Building Solutions

Heritage Building Solutions provides professional heritage conservation and restoration services to property owners.

Education & Skills

The Centre’s main objectives are to facilitate research, and provide education and training in all aspects of traditional heritage building skills, reducing skills shortages and skills gaps.

Heritage Building Solutions

Heritage Building Solutions provides professional heritage conservation and restoration services to property owners.  We specialise in heritage and special restorations, additions and renovations, including stonemasonry. The firm is dedicated to:

  • Conserving and restoring heritage buildings using sound conservation and restoration principles and skills.
  • Commercial reinvention through the viable use and re-use of heritage buildings.
  • Revitalisation of heritage property by embracing new technologies and improving their environmental sustainability.

Heritage Building Solutions offers practical, affordable options to heritage property owners, including down to earth advice from professionals, access to qualified building and stonemasonry trades people and the repair and reproduction of fittings and joinery.

For further information, please contact:

Building: Brad Boon 0428 572 726

Stonemasonry:       Rob Whitney 0419 813 469

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