Building Solutions

Heritage Building Solutions provides professional heritage conservation and restoration services to property owners.

Education & Skills

The Centre’s main objectives are to facilitate research, and provide education and training in all aspects of traditional heritage building skills, reducing skills shortages and skills gaps.

HESC Courses

Archaeological Surveying

This two-day course will run participants through the theory and practice of a basic survey of an archaeological site.  Participants will be taken through the basics of archaeology from desktop research to locate a site, using of aerial imagery and historic maps/plans.  This will lead to the assessment of archaeological potential and significance, through to the actual practical in-field survey and recording of sites.  No prior experience is necessary, and no excavation will be undertaken in this course.  Courses will include surveying a heritage site, and can be adapted to a specific group’s particular interest (if numbers are sufficient). 

Want to enrol? Click here.

Basic Maintenance and Repair of Masonry (including Lime)

This two day course (suitable for beginners) shows participants the basics in the preventative approach to masonry conservation, including drainage and ventilation, salt decay, and general maintenance of masonry.  The course also covers the basic repair of masonry (including the importance of using traditional lime products), how to identify problems, specify solutions and to undertake general maintenance and minor repairs.  A half-day pointing workshop so participants can get their hands dirty is also included.

Want to enrol? Click here.

Burra Charter: Principles of Conservation Planning and Practice

An enjoyable one-day course which details the Articles of the ICOMOS Australia Burra Charter.  The Burra Charter is the important philosophy that underpins all approaches to conservation in Australia.  In this course, participants will discuss the Charters articles to understand why, using real life examples, decision making and working within a sound conservation philosophy is necessary.  Through this participants will develop a greater awareness of the Burra Charter and be able to apply them in a range of planning and practical applications.  A visit to local heritage sites is also included to practise your new knowledge.

Feedback for Burra Charter: Principles of Conservation Planning and Practice:

“Good refresher and good to understand the practical uses."

“Very enjoyable."

Want to enrol? Click here.

Energy Efficiency: Future proofing your heritage home

Focusing on easy ways to improve energy efficiency and comfort of heritage homes along with good long term investments to consider if doing renovations, this course offers practical cost effective solutions. Participants will be given information on smart energy efficiency investments that are affordable and effective.  The course includes how to do an energy efficiency assessment of your own home and put together an action plan of priorities. We will also provide an overview of how to get good value from solar PVs or solar hot water.  A range of real life case studies from Australia and the UK will be discussed.

Want to enrol? Click here.

Heritage Fabric Identification and Extant Recording

A two-day course that runs participants through the identification of heritage buildings, building elements and other heritage items, including identification of framing, construction methods, joinery elements and timber species identification.  The process of measured drawing and extant recording will also be taught, in-line with current heritage industry standards. Skills learnt in the theory section will be put into practice with participants completing an on-site recording of a heritage building.

Want to enrol? Click here

Historic landscapes, Gardens and Settings

A delightful weekend workshop providing an overview of the cultural landscapes of Tasmania.  Discussion will include how to approach a heritage garden, with specifics such as design, plantings, fences and paving.  We also look at the importance of maintaining appropriate settings/curtilage for heritage properties.  The weekend includes a field trip to historic gardens in the area.

Want to enrol? Click here.

Interior Finishes: How to identify, conserve and replicate historic surface finishes

This practical two-day course shows participants how to research, identify and apply traditional interior finishes, whilst maintaining a balance between conservation and everyday use.  Interior finishes include traditional paints (milk paint, limewash, distemper etc.), wallpaper and timber finishes (shellac, oil, waxes and so on.).  This course provides guidance on why a traditional finish is important to use, both for technical and aesthetic benefits and how to select the appropriate finish for your project.

Want to enrol? Click here.

Taking on a Heritage Project: Vision, Approvals, Pitfalls and Success

A comprehensive one day workshop for professionals, builders or homeowners who are looking at taking on a heritage project.  In this course participants look at the legislation, requirements and processes of such a project using real life case studies. Topics include Heritage Legislation and Policy Framework, the Burra Charter, Guiding Principles, the Approvals Process and Grants and Support.  A representative from Heritage Tasmania is available on the day to discuss and answer additional questions.

Feedback for Taking on a Heritage Project:

“All planners/builders/designers/developers should attend”<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

“Very good insight into the heritage movement and significance”

Want to enrol? Click here.

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