Building Solutions

Heritage Building Solutions provides professional heritage conservation and restoration services to property owners.

Education & Skills

The Centre’s main objectives are to facilitate research, and provide education and training in all aspects of traditional heritage building skills, reducing skills shortages and skills gaps.


Workshops & Short courses
At HESC we run a number of courses ranging from a single day, two days and programs of up to one week duration.  These are for industry, professionals, designers, homeowners, developers restoring heritage properties and people who are simply interested in heritage properties and concentrate on the repair, conservation, restoration and maintenance of heritage properties. 
Some of these workshops are conducted in conjunction with industry specialists and institutions such a Heritage Tasmania.  You can see our full range of course here.

Experience & Projects
This service is essentially a collaborative arrangement between the centre and universities/skills institutes in both undergraduate and post graduate experience.  The centre facilitates access to sites for research, archaeology etc and make facilities available for specific research projects that would contribute to our body of knowledge, interpretation and technical capability.  In addition to traditional heritage research, the application of contemporary and emerging technologies and approaches to enhance adaptive re-use is prioritised.

Accredited Training Mentoring & Experience
By 2013-14, the Centre will be offering trade and post trade certificates (Certificate 3 to certificate 5) in heritage focused building and construction. 

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