Building Solutions

Heritage Building Solutions provides professional heritage conservation and restoration services to property owners.

Education & Skills

The Centre’s main objectives are to facilitate research, and provide education and training in all aspects of traditional heritage building skills, reducing skills shortages and skills gaps.

Heritage Education & Skills Centre

The Heritage Education and Skills Centre (HESC) is an exciting new educational resource for people interested in or involved with heritage properties.  HESC provides education and training in all aspects of traditional heritage building skills, reducing skill shortages and filling skill gaps, it creates the opportunity for participants to learn practical skills in an authentic heritage environment.  Using real life examples, our courses focus on the interpretation, repair, conservation, restoration and maintenance of heritage properties.

Courses are specifically tailored to the needs of trades, heritage professionals, homeowners and students wishing to develop an understanding, practical skills and in some instances accreditation in heritage.  We are committed to providing courses that are practical and relevant. Current courses that we provide are:

  • The Burra Charter - Conservation Principles and Practice
  • Conservation Management Planning - A practical guide
  • Taking on a Heritage Project - Vision, Approvals, Pitfalls and Success
  • Energy Efficiency - Future Proofing your Home
  • Archaeological Survey
  • Interior Heritage Finishes - Historic Wallpaper, Paint and Timber finishes
  • Researching the History of your Home
  • Historic Landscapes, Gardens and Settings
  • Traditional Timber Staircase Building and Repairs
  • Basic Maintenance and Repair of Masonry (including Lime)
  • Timber Detailing and Interiors
  • Ruin Maintenance and Consolidation
  • Heritage Fabric Identification and Extant Recording

If you have an idea for a Heritage Education and Skills Centre course, please contact Holly at

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