Building Solutions

Heritage Building Solutions provides professional heritage conservation and restoration services to property owners.

Education & Skills

The Centre’s main objectives are to facilitate research, and provide education and training in all aspects of traditional heritage building skills, reducing skills shortages and skills gaps.

HESC Tutor Profiles

Brad Williams
Brad Williams is Manager of Heritage Projects for Southern Midlands Council, where he has been facilitating the Heritage Projects Program for the last 8 years, and is also the Heritage Manager for the Centre for Heritage at Oatlands.  Brad completed an honors degree in Historical Archaeology at the Australian National University, Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology at Flinders University, and a Masters in Cultural Heritage Management at Deakin University.
Brad is a current member of the Tasmanian Heritage Council, sits on the Heritage Council’s Works Application Assessment Committee, and chairs Council’s Archaeological Advisory Panel.  In 2009, Brad undertook a 7-week Churchill Fellowship in the UK examining the traditional use of lime based products in architectural sandstone conservation, as well as examining various models of heritage skills training programs.
John Wadsley
John Wadsley has been a planning, consultation and heritage practitioner for the past 25 years, and established his own consultancy in January 2007. Previously he was a Senior Planning Consultant with GHD Pty Ltd for 10 years, where he developed an extensive project portfolio and a wide client network in Tasmania.
He has worked in a variety of government agencies as a Project Manager, Parks and Wildlife Ranger, Office Manager and Policy Researcher. He is currently Senior Vice-President of the Friends of Soldiers Memorial Avenue and Deputy Chair of the Military Heritage Foundation of Tasmania.
Peter Cripps
Peter studied architecture in Tasmania and then worked for two years in Oxford, England, where he became interested in old buildings. Upon his return to Tasmania, he acted as a consultant to National Parks & Wildlife Service with particular reference to Port Arthur for 15 years.   He has worked on the conservation of many of Tasmania’s historic buildings for both the Australian and State Governments, together with work to churches and private commissions.  Peter is a member of the Tasmanian Heritage Council.
As a founding and executive member of Australia ICOMOS, Peter was involved in the development of the Burra Charter. He has particular interests in the philosophy of conservation, the anatomy of buildings and the mechanics of the decay of brick and stone structures.  Peter has travelled widely and participated in courses on all aspects of heritage work at both York and Oxford Universities.  Peter is a member of the National Trust, Australia ICOMOS, a life member of The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (UK) and in 2006 he was made a Life Fellow of the RAIA in recognition of his contribution to the architectural profession and the conservation of the built environment.
Lars Roland-Kristensen
In 1982, at the age of 17 Lars migrated to Australia from Denmark.  He is a second generation staircase builder, and his father is still working for a Sydney joinery.   With over 30  years of experience, both as an employee and as a licensed staircase builder, Lars worked and shared techniques with many other staircase builders.
Building techniques have changed little over the last 200 years, which up to now has made it possible to match and rebuild old staircases with the use of only basic hand and power tools.Lars’ skills relevant to this course include building all configurations and types of traditional timber staircases; continuous handrail; all types of geometrical staircases and rails (curved); compound laminations; installation; design;  restoration; joinery repairs and general carpentry.
Ann Cripps
Although formally trained in the field of librarianship with a passionate interest in gardens, Ann was in 1980, one of the founding members of the Australian Garden History Society.  Ann has travelled widely and participated in a course on conservation and maintenance of historic gardens at York University.  For many years, she has researched, written and lectured on historic landscapes and gardens, and  early Tasmanian nurserymen and gardeners.
Ann has worked on private historic gardens and projects involving the interaction between historic buildings and their surroundings. Most recently she has researched and advised on the interpretation of the garden at the Markree House Museum in Hobart, and the graveyard and landscape of St. Matthias Church, Windermere Tasmania.
Annette Dean
Annette Dean is a well-regarded member of the sustainability, environmental management and education profession with comprehensive experience in government, ecotourism, and NGO sectors.
Focus areas include sustainability assessment and education, environmental communications and interpretation, ecotourism management, and improved stakeholder and community engagement.
She has held government, NGO and corporate consulting roles in national park management, sustainability and energy efficiency, communications, and ecotourism sectors, and has worked across Australia, Papua New Guinea and many parts of the Asia Pacific region.In addition to consulting activities, Annette maintains active involvement in community based environmental and sustainability organisations.

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