Building Solutions

Heritage Building Solutions provides professional heritage conservation and restoration services to property owners.

Education & Skills

The Centre’s main objectives are to facilitate research, and provide education and training in all aspects of traditional heritage building skills, reducing skills shortages and skills gaps.


Heritage Building Solutions (HBS) provides professional heritage conservation and restoration services to property owners, specialising in heritage property assessment and special restorations, additions and renovations.HBS delivers practical, affordable options to heritage property owners, including down to earth advice from professionals, access to qualified building and stonemasonry craftsmen and the repair and reproduction of fittings and joinery.  The full range of our services are listed below:

Heritage property development and re-use
The Centre offers restoration and conservation of heritage buildings and assets for viable use and re-use within sound conservation principles and frameworks.  Within this the Centre aims to develop the commercialisation possibilities of heritage conservation and restoration services and assets.

Heritage Property Facility & Asset Management
Heritage Building Solutions is offering a professional and practical heritage property facility management service to owners and managers. The service can be designed to meet specific needs and includes:
• Inspection – condition and defects identification;
• Maintenance and remediation plans, reports, methods and specifications;
• Maintenance and remediation works program design;
• Budget estimation;
• Works delivery and technical supervision;
• Heritage approval facilitation;
• Conservation Management Plans; and
• Archeology management.

Heritage Architectural and Building fittings and products
Architectural and Building fittings and products created authentically in our Workshop by our Craftsmen and Apprentices.  This service involves repairing, restoring and fabricating heritage fittings and products such as doors, windows, furniture and other timber fittings and fit-out services.  The scope also includes sandstone construction and decorative elements and other items.

Integrated professional and operational services
At the Centre we provide an integration of professional and accurate problem solving and analysis with the correct authentic execution of works that can be applied not only at a local level but nationally.
Throughout Australia the Centre is where people with heritage properties can access:

  • Professional analysis of the cause of structural problems and the most effective interventions, including the associated specifications and costing;
  • Placing this work within a heritage planning framework and specific project plan; and
  • Professional execution of the work.

Apprentice Hire
The Centre has heritage apprentices for hire to appropriate heritage contractors for specific projects, or on a longer term basis.  This follows a normal group scheme model.

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