Building Solutions

Heritage Building Solutions provides professional heritage conservation and restoration services to property owners.

Education & Skills

The Centre’s main objectives are to facilitate research, and provide education and training in all aspects of traditional heritage building skills, reducing skills shortages and skills gaps.


The Centre for Heritage at Oatlands is committed to the restoration and conservation of heritage buildings and sites for valued re-use. Central to this is our capacity to provide conservation and restoration solutions for property owners while ensuring traditional skills are applied and further developed. Each project combines high quality workmanship, a solution that works for the owner and consistency with heritage conservation and restoration principles. We work with our clients to achieve a solution that enables a heritage building and/or site to meet a contemporary use and sustainability standards. Where appropriate, our projects are used as a resource in facilitating our wider research, education and training role.
Our workshop and joinery expertise is used to fabricate architectural fittings for our projects and to offer products and joinery services to other property owners.

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